Raw Honey Works Better Than Drugs for Herpes!

Mainstream physicians usually prescribe Acyclovir ointment or other topical medications to treat herpes outbreaks. But research shows that nature has a better solution. This remedy works faster than any of the mainstream treatments, and with fewer side effects.
Honey has long been regarded as one of the best natural wound healers and infection fighters. When a researcher treated patients with Acyclovir for one herpes outbreak and honey for another, overall healing time with honey was 43 percent better than with Acyclovir for sores on the lips and 59 percent better for genital sores.
According to Nutrition & Healing:
“None of the volunteers experienced any side effects with repeated applications of honey, although three patients developed local itching with the Acyclovir.”
Herpes can be broken down into two primary infections:
1. Herpes simplex (oral and/or genital herpes)
2. Herpes zoster (also known as shingles; a reactivation infection of the chickenpox virus)
In this case, the type of herpes in question is the genital type of herpes simplex. This study is a perfect example of nature’s capacity to provide answers for just about any physical ailment as genital herpes can be notoriously painful and difficult to treat.
Treating Herpes With Honey
Sixteen adult subjects with a history of recurrent labial and genital herpes attacks used honey to treat one attack, and a commonly prescribed antiviral drug, Acyclovir cream, during another. (It’s important to realize that neither the drug nor the honey will actually cure genital herpes. They only treat the symptoms.)
Interestingly, honey provided significantly better treatment results.
For labial herpes, the mean healing time was 43 percent better, and for genital herpes, 59 percent better than acyclovir.
Pain and crusting was also significantly reduced with the honey, compared to the drug. Two cases of labial herpes and one case of genital herpes remitted completely with the honey treatment, whereas none remitted while using acyclovir.
The best way to use this treatment is to first make sure that you have Manuka honey, as it will work far better than regular processed honey. My preference is Manuka honey. Make sure you find one that is a semifluid. All you need to do is apply some of the honey directly to the open sore. Apply at least four times a day, but more would likely be better as the goal is to keep it constantly bathed in the honey.
As for side effects, three of the subjects developed local itching with acyclovir, whereas no side effects were observed even with repeated application of the honey.
The researchers concluded that “topical honey application is safe and effective in the management of the signs and symptoms of recurrent lesions from labial and genital herpes.”
What You Need to Know About Honey
Honey — which was a conventional therapy for infection up until the early 20th century when penicillin took center stage — has recently started inching its way back into the medical mainstream, but it’s important to realize that not all honey is created equal.
Some kinds of honey should never be applied to an open sore or wound, and the antibacterial activity in some honeys is 100 times more powerful than in others.
Processed, refined honey that you typically find in grocery stores is NOT appropriate for use in wound care. In fact, your average domestic “Grade A” type honey will likely increase infection.
It also will not offer you the same health benefits as raw honey when consumed.
Manuka Honey from New Zealand is a specific type of honey that has actually been approved for use as a medical device, due to its healing properties and superior potency. But you could also use raw honey – it’s just not as potent as Manuka.
Good-quality honey offers several topical wound-care benefits that can explain some of its success as a remedy for herpes sores:
· It draws fluid away from your wound
· The high sugar content suppresses microorganism growth
· Worker bees secrete an enzyme (glucose oxidase) into the nectar, which then releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide when the honey makes contact with your wound
Manuka honey, however, offers additional healing benefits not found in other honeys.
Clinical trials have found that Manuka honey, made with pollen gathered from the flowers of the Manuka bush (a medicinal plant), can effectively eradicate more than 250 clinical strains of bacteria, including resistant varieties such as:
· MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
· MSSA (methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus)
· VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
· Helicobacter Pylori (which can cause stomach ulcers)
With the increasing threat of antibiotic-resistant infections and drug over-use, the return to honey as a natural, multi-purpose healing therapy is certainly a welcome alternative.
Other Natural Therapies for Herpes Infections
Aside from honey, here are a few other remedies that have also been found effective in treating herpes infections:
· Lysine (an essential amino acid)
· Vitamin C
· Aloe Vera
· Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
· Resveratrol (a very potent antioxidant from grape seed)
· Garlic
· Lactoferrin (a potent antimicrobial protein found in colostrum)
In addition to these remedies, which all tend to work, in my experience, the two approaches that work the very best are:
1. Homeopathic herpes simplex formula — I’ve found these homeopathic formulas to be surprisingly effective. They’re also non-toxic so they’re very safe, with virtually no side effects.
2. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – This is a form of psychological acupuncture without needles. By tapping on different acupuncture meridians, you can energetically resolve the emotional precedent that caused your immune system to weaken, allowing the infection to take hold. Once you get at the emotional root, your immune system tends to get reactivated, along with a number of genes that can help to resolve and heal your physical condition.
Last but not least, there’s some evidence suggesting that high doses of vitamin D can help resolve herpes infection, although I do not have personal experience with this treatment. But there have reportedly been a large number of successes with people using up to 50,000 units once a day for three days.
It would be particularly effective if you have not been taking vitamin D regularly and have not had frequent exposure to the sun.
If you’ve had your vitamin D levels tested and are within the therapeutic level, then clearly you don’t want to use this approach as you may overdose on vitamin D. However, more than likely, if you had optimal vitamin D levels you probably wouldn’t have gotten the infection in the first place.
We know vitamin D works for flus, coughs, and colds, and appears to work for most, all the typical types of viral infections – even infections like herpes.
By Dr Mercola, http://www.mercola.com | August 21, 2014


Get your Manuka Honey here www.puremanukahoney.co.uk

Natural Honey, Pure Honey, Raw Honey ~ Making Sense of Honey Labels

honey throat

Commercial honey is labelled as natural honey, pure honey, raw honey, pure natural honey… the list continues. It takes me by no surprise that honey, like any other products, is not spared from ambiguous labelling by suppliers. With so many different claims of honey on the shelf, we often land up confused and unsecure about how much authentic honey and counterfeit honey we are consuming. Here, I would like to share a few frequently asked questions on the subject from visitors of Benefits of Honey and my views regarding them.

“I see so many different claims and labels of honey in the shop. What does the term “pure honey” actually mean?”

“Pure honey” can be taken to mean “100% unadulterated honey with no other contents (for instance, water, sucrose) added”, or at least this would be what I think honey suppliers would hope how consumers read. However, to be on the critical side, I would not rule out the possibility that “pure honey” simply means “real honey” and thus the product may contain “real honey” in an unknown amount not necessarily equivalent to 100%. Whatever it is, the term “pure honey” can be ambiguous and even misleading.

Can I assume that “natural honey” means “unpasteurized honey”?

I don’t think so. While honey retailers may wish that consumers would associate or even equate the “natural honey” label with meanings of “unpasteurized honey” or “raw honey”, the fact is the “natural” label on honey does not render it any more special than other honey. Most commercial honey, even those labelled as “natural” is filtered and pasteurized or treated with heat to slow down the process of crystallisation so that they remain smooth and presentable on the shelves. (Ironically, sparkling and speckle-free honey is somewhat perceived by consumers as good quality honey.)

Unpasteurized honey is now mostly directly purchased from the local honey farms, which do not exist in places within easy reach for some consumers. Every country has its own regulations regarding the “pasteurized” labelling; for some countries, the term “unpasteurized” label on honey is prohibited, but you can find the label “raw” instead.

Since cream honey appears more concentrated, is it then better than liquid honey?

Form is not a factor in judging the nutritional value of honey. Cream honey, which is formed by allowing the honey to granulate at a controlled temperature of about 55 degree F., can be better in terms of convenience for some consumers who find it less messy to spread the honey over toast, biscuit, whereas liquid is better for drizzling over pancakes, waffles, etc and mixes easily with water or foods such as vegetable salads.

Finally, my favourite personal quote which sums up my sentiments regarding purity of honey:

“I believe the best labs can create synthetic liquids that look and taste like real honey and even have the same glucose-fructose molecular structure, but NEVER can they fake something that works the same as real honey for our health and well-being. Because the bees have added a MYSTERIOUS GOODNESS of their own that can never be comprehended by the most ingenious mind or counterfeited by the most advanced technology.” ~ Ruth Tan


http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/natural-honey.html 2014-08-28

Manuka honey has been found to heal many kinds of topical wounds!


(TRFW News) The history of honey has been around for years, going all the way back to the ancient of times. Modern archeologists have carefully removed Egyptian tombs have always found something interesting among the artifacts left behind: honey, still preserved even though it’s been thousands of years old. (1)
Honey could be the perfect food against spoilage.
There are a few other foods that stay indefinitely: salt, sugar, dried rice, to list a few. But there’s something different about honey. While you wouldn’t want to chow down on raw rice or salt straight up, it can be quite tempting to dip a spoon into honey and let your taste buds sing with glory. The best part is that they are mainly medicinal, which makes it extra special.
Honey never spoils. It is supersaturated, making it consist of mainly sugar, in which it contains very little water in its natural state and can easily suck in moisture if sealed properly. Very few bacteria and microorganisms can survive in this kind of environment. Sugar also inhibits the growth of yeast and other fungal spores. (2)
Honey is also extremely acidic. Amina Harris, executive director of the Honey and Pollination Center at the Robert Mondavi Institute at University of California, tells us that, “It has a pH that falls between 3 and 4.5, approximately, and that acid will kill off most anything that wants to grow there.”
Honey is also naturally extremely acidic. “It has a pH that falls between 3 and 4.5, approximately, and that acid will kill off almost anything that wants to grow there,” Harris explains. (3)
Using the right kind of honey can naturally speed up healing of your wounds.
Manuka honey is the answer. The type and quality of honey must be taken into consideration. There is a major difference between raw honey (especially manuka) versus the highly processed type of honey. Processed honey tends to include fructose corn syrup and is likely to increase infection and should never use as a topical agent. (4)
Manuka honey has hydrogen peroxide and that gives off the antibiotic and antibacterial qualities. The main medical use for manuka honey is on top of a wound, which is used to treat minor wounds and burns. (5)
Research has backed up the healing properties of manuka honey.
Scientific American have reported, “In lab tests, just a bit of honey (manuka) killed off the majority of bacterial cells — and cut down dramatically on the stubborn biofilms they formed. It could also be used to prevent wounds from becoming infected in the first place.” (6)
According to the authors of another study, “These findings indicate that manuka honey has potential in the topical treatment of wounds containing S. pyogenes.” (7)
Interestingly, in a 1992 study, researchers have found that manuka honey have sped up the healing of women that had caesarean sections. (8)
The above information seems to provide all the more reasons why you should add manuka honey to your first aid kit!

New Zealand distiller releases Manuka smoked whisky

Thomson Whisky’s head distiller, Mathew Thomhead-distiller_Mathew-Thomson_300son.
New Zealand whisky distiller, Thomson Whisky has released what is believed to be the world’s first single malt, Manuka Smoked whisky.
The single malt is made from barley grown in New Zealand’s South Island and kilned using New Zealand Manuka wood. The product imparts a smooth natural smokiness reminiscent of peated Scotch whisky, yet entirely unique to New Zealand with its distinct Manuka notes.
Craft brewing supplier, Gladfield Malt of Canterbury is working closely with Thomson Whisky’s head distiller, Mathew Thomson to perfect the spirit, and has designed and engineered a custom smoker to impart the best Manuka and smoke flavours into the finished malt.
“A very good measure of passion and innovation has gone into this whisky and we’re excited about the possibilities that can result from it,” says Thomson.
“As one of only a handful of commercial whisky distilleries in New Zealand, Thomson is proud to be producing an original and world first whisky in our home country.”
The distilling of the unique spirit is taking place at Thomson Whisky Distillery, based at Hallertau Brewery in North West Auckland, where the brand is laying down barrels of single malt for maturation using a traditional copper pot still.
The craft distillery was launched in April this year to support future demand for the company’s single malt whisky. The brand won Gold and Double Gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2014 for its 21 year old and 18 year old single malt bottlings.
Thomson Manuka smoked whisky will mature in ex-bourbon barrels for three to five years adding to its depth of flavour, and will be available once matured.
19 August, 2014 Aoife Boothroyd 0 comments

Editorial: The sooner the sweeter for manuka guidelines

Clear and accurate labelling essential to protect this $150 million a year industry

The manuka honey industry is worth $150 million a year. Photo / Doug Sherring
The Ministry of Primary Industries says guidelines for the labelling of manuka honey are expected to be issued this month. They cannot come a moment too soon.
Overseas, there has been increasing condemnation of the selling of bogus manuka honey. This week, it reached a new level with the publication of an article headlined “The Great Manuka Honey Swindle” in Britain’s The Grocer magazine. If nothing is done to counter this criticism, overseas consumers will surely shy away from a product that speaks eloquently of New Zealand’s clean green image.
Already, the industry is worth $150 million a year. Endorsement of its healing qualities by the likes of Novak Djokovic, Katherine Jenkins and Scarlett Johansson has given it an international cachet. People are willing to pay substantial sums for its unique anti-bacterial properties, its rarity, and this country’s credentials. But that bright picture has been sullied by producers who, through misleading labelling, are passing their honey off as manuka.
Laboratory testing in Britain, Singapore and China has revealed the full extent of the counterfeiting.
The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association has campaigned for some time for clear and accurate labelling of the product. This has now become essential to uphold the integrity of the product and to ensure that reputable producers do not pay a heavy price for the activities of unscrupulous operators. As much was, in fact, evident almost a year ago when Britain’s Food Standards Agency issued a warning about manuka honey.
The Government must waste no further time before stepping in.
– NZ Herald 8:11 AM Saturday Jul 5, 2014

Closer alignment with International honey standards urged

Closer alignment with International honey standards urged
According to Airborne Honey, New Zealand’s oldest and most technically advanced honey brand, the Interim Labelling Guide for Manuka Honey that was released by the Ministry of Primary Industries last week needs to become closer aligned to the CODEX International Standard for Honey if the aim is to regulate the industry and restore global trust.
The Codex Commission is a group run by the United Nations FAO and represents countries with over 99 percent of the world’s population. According to CODEX, honey may be designated according to a floral or plant source if it comes wholly or mainly from that particular source and has the organoleptic, physicochemical and microscopic properties corresponding with that origin.
“This means manuka must taste like manuka, have a sugar spectrum, mineral levels and pollen content consistent with manuka and be undamaged by heat (HMF levels below 40mg/kg),” explains Peter Bray, Managing Director of Airborne Honey. “Based on longstanding research manuka should contain in excess of 70% manuka pollen to be classified as manuka honey.”
Although the MPI guidelines refer to some elements consistent with CODEX, the guideline’s requirement for the presence of manuka type pollen fails to meet the CODEX requirement for “microscopic properties corresponding with that origin”, the most important identification tool in the CODEX standard. The presence of Methylglyoxal (MG), a single unstable chemical marker not required by the International Standard has also been included.
“MG has been included after extensive lobbying by those that only measure this chemical,” says Peter. “Other countries already applying the CODEX to manuka honey do not use MG for good reason. It forms from another precursor substance (dihydroxyacetone) that varies widely in manuka nectar, changes at different rates over time and eventually disappears. Current research show that high levels of MG can be found in natural or man made blends containing less than 20% pure manuka honey. Additionally MG can be found in other plant species, meaning it is not unique to manuka and the precursor in manuka nectar is a readily available pharmaceutical ingredient used as the key active ingredient in sunless tanning products.”
“The Interim Labelling Guide for Manuka Honey as it currently stands will not provide consumers or overseas regulators with the assurance that a honey is “wholly or mainly” manuka – they key phrase in the Codex honey standard, the EU honey directive and the UK Honey standards,” adds Peter.
Airborne Honey will continue to adhere to the CODEX International standard for Honey and hopes that the Interim Labelling Guide for Manuka Honey will be aligned closer to the already established and globally recognised Standard.
“It was always going to be a challenge, with so many opinions and different interests involved,” Peter explains. “With exports growing from $11 million in 2000 to $170 million last year and on track to $200 million this year it is clear there are significant financial drivers to the process. We hope that as the interim guide is reviewed over the coming months, it will become more robust and increasingly reflect the proven parameters in the International Standard for Honey. If the guidelines evolve in this way, consumers will eventually enjoy the same benefits enjoyed by Airborne’s current customers – a guarantee that the contents match the label.”
“Airborne Honey has been meeting and exceeding the CODEX International Standard for over 25 years and will continue to do so,” says Peter. “Each batch of honey that arrives and leaves the Airborne premises is tested for multiple parameters in our lab to ensure it meets the CODEX requirements. With manuka, this means it contains at least 70% manuka pollen and has HMF (heat damage) levels below 40mg/kg.”
To provide even greater transparency and honey quality education, Airborne Honey is launching a new online tool called “TraceMe”. A world first, it enables users to either scan a batch specific QR code on the jar or enter the batch code online and see all the data associated with that jar of honey. This includes HMF levels, the sugar profile, pollen percentage and even a map pinpointing the location of the beehives. To use the application, go to http://abh.tips or scan the attached code with a smartphone:
Fuseworks Media
Monday, 4 August, 2014 – 11:25

Health benefits of Honey


Health Benefits of Honey

Before I get into talking about all of the wonderful benefits of honey, I want to make sure I’m specific about the kind of honey I’m advocating. To experience any real benefit from it, make sure that first and foremost it’s raw / UMF honey. Most of what you buy in a grocery store will have been heated to remove any “impurities” and to keep it from crystallizing which is supposedly more attractive to consumers. Heating raw honey destroys enzymes and basically turns it into a simple sugar without many nutritional or medicinal perks.

Ulcers and Digestive Problems

Raw / UMF honey has widely been reported to potentially prevent, cure or alleviate symptoms of a wide variety of health problems affecting the mucous membranes of the body including stomach ulcers, mouth and throat ulcers that result from radiation treatment for cancers of the head and neck and (read on) sinuses and sore throats due to colds or allergies. Bastyr Center for Natural Health reported a study finding that people receiving radiation therapy for cancers of the head and neck were significantly less likely to suffer from ulcers when given 4 teaspoons of honey 15 minutes prior to treatment, 15 minutes after treatment and then again six hours later. These types of ulcers are the reason that many people quit their radiation treatment as it can make eating difficult or impossible.
Studies in New Zealand have shown that raw Manuka honey was effective in killing the bacterium Helicobacter pylori which is said to be the cause of most stomach ulcers. This is thought to be due to the antibacterial properties of the honey.

Wound and Burn Dressing

The pH of raw honey (between 3.2 and 4.5) along with antibacterial, antiseptic and many other properties make it a superior dressing for wounds and burns. Honey is excellent as a wound dressing as it cleans pus and dead tissue from infections, suppresses inflammation and stimulates growth of new tissue. It also shortens healing time and minimizes scarring.
Manuka honey is a honey from New Zealand that comes from the Manuka flower of the Tea Tree and has recently enjoyed much praise as a cure for and even prevention of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This honey by itself and also in combination with antibiotics has undeniably saved lives that would not have otherwise been saved. That’s pretty awesome.


People suffering from seasonal allergies may find relief in a daily dose of raw local honey. Because honey is made from the nectar of plants and trees likely causing your symptoms, some say that it acts in a way that is similar to an allergy shot; exposing you to miniscule amounts of pollen and propolis that over time encourage your body to build a tolerance to the very plants and trees that are causing your symptoms.
For this purpose, make sure the honey is local and also ask the beekeeper about their filtering process. You’ll benefit more from a honey that is strained but not super filtered. That way you can get all of the bits of pollen, propolis and wax that you’re after. When it comes to filtering, less is more!

Colds, Sore Throat and Blocked Sinuses

Just about everyone knows that honey soothes a sore throat but did you know that a study from Penn State Medical College in 2007 showed that honey is more effective in treating coughs and sore throats than the leading over the counter remedies containing dextromethorphan? Next time you’re under the weather try honey first and see how it treats you.


Hangovers are said to be caused by the production of ethanal in the body. Honey replenishes sodium, potassium and fructose which aids in recovery. Fructose also acts as a sobering agent by speeding the oxidation of alcohol in the liver. So next time you’ve had one too many, take a tablespoon of honey.

I’m not writing about anything new here. Throughout ancient history you will find that pretty much all cultures and religions documented the importance of honey in healing countless physical, mental and spiritual ailments. So what better way to start your day than with a spoonful of this divine nectar?

7/22/2014 4:36:00 PM
By Lindsay Williamson

Did you know these honeybee facts?

Did you know these honeybee facts?

1. Is the only insect that humans raise for food and medicine.
2. Is responsible for pollinating 70 of the 100 crops that provide 90% of the world’s food.
3. Make only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. To make a pound of honey, honeybees need to visit 2,000,000 flowers. Each cell of a capped honeycomb contains the nectar from about 1,000 flowers.
4. One ounce of honey would power a bee for a flight completely around the earth
5. Has hair on its eyes to help keep its eyeballs clean. The hair catches dirt and pollen.
6. Has an incredibly acute sense of smell that has been harnessed by scientists to detect and track down illegal drugs and explosives hidden by terrorists.
7. Is able to regulate the temperature of their hive. In cold weather, the bees huddle together and vibrate their wing muscles to generate heat. When it’s hot, they fan their wings to improve air circulation or even collect water for evaporative cooling.
8. Makes about 200 beats per second with their wings, creating their infamous buzzing sound. A worker bee in the summer lasts six to eight weeks. Wearing their wings out is the most common cause of their death.
9. Is capable of complex visual processing and learning tasks that are commonly reserved for primates. It is able to discriminate and remember remembering one human face from another, a capacity likely used for foraging, navigation and identifying flowers.
10. Waggle dances and creates airborne sounds to communicate the locations of nectar.
11. Has a highly sophisticated communication system and a phenomenal collective intelligence that has been studied and applied to many organisations trying to learn effective management and leadership styles.
12. Has a grass-seed sized brain that is able to calculate foraging distances and energy expenditure, and find out the shortest route to the targeted flowers, a complex mathematical problem that can keep computers busy for days.

Visit us at www.puremanukahoney.co.uk for more information and free shipping!





http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/honeybee-facts.html 30/06/14

Is it true that honey doesn’t go off?

Is it true that honey doesn't go off?

This is a question I’m often asked. Well here’s the answer!
The ancient Egyptians kept domestic bees and sealed pots of honey were found in the graves of pharaohs such as Tutankhamun. If properly sealed, this 5000 year old honey was found to be edible! There are a few factors that can extend honeys use-by date to millennia. It is 95% sugar, equally divided between glucose and fructose. Sugars are hygroscopic, which means they contain little water in their natural state, but can readily absorb moisture if left exposed to it.
Honey in its natural form is very low moisture, very few bacteria or micro organisms can survive in extremely dehydrated environment, certainly not long enough to spoil the honey.
Honey is also naturally extremely acidic, with a ph of 3-4.5, which will kill most bacteria.
Nectar, which the bees use to make the honey, is naturally high in moisture – 60 to 80%. Before processing, the bees remove some of this by flapping their wins over the nectar, each droplet is then swallowed and regurgitated up to 50 times in order to dehydrate it further.
Furthermore, an enzyme in the bee’s stomach called glucose oxidise creates small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which is highly toxic to micro organisms.
Its hygroscopic nature and the presence of hydrogen peroxide gives the honey its medicinal properties; when slathered onto a cut, it sucks out the moisture preventing microbial colonisation, while the hydrogen peroxide disinfects the area.
For honey to stay good, it must be in a sealed container, in a humid environment, it will take in water and spoil.
For all your honey needs visit us at http://www.puremanukahoney.co.uk – or please call if you need any advice.

Is Acne affecting your life?

Is Acne affecting your life?

Skin problems can affect us all at some point, whether were teenagers coping with hormones or adults coping with the day to day stresses of life. It doesn’t stop at our face either, it can affect the scalp back and chest. Unfortunately life is so stressful, with lack of sleep and the busy lifestyle we lead its hardly surprising our bodies break out.

Lets look at some great ideas Ive picked up over the years, looking at some alternative natural remedies rather than harsh chemicals, try a few and see what suits you!

Manuka Honey, How can it help you?
Manuka honey has superb antibacterial & antifungal properties which make
It an amazing natural product to help any skin condition, not only acne. This is a product that isn’t the next fad – its been used for thousands of years by native New Zealanders.

Take a teaspoon of UMF Manuka Honey 3 times a day (straight from the spoon). This will boost your immune system to help fight the bacteria in the skin. Once your skin is showing signs of improvement you can cut this down to two.
At night time, on the worst of the area, apply a globule of honey direct to the skin. I would recommend you buy some medical grade honey (find your honey here) that has been irradiated to remove any natural spores that may occur in the honey – it is safe to use the honey straight from the jar, but if the skin is broken its better to use the medical grade honey – and cover with a plaster. If the skin is broken there may be a slight stinging sensation, do not worry, this is normal, it is the active properties in the honey pulling out all the infected parts of the spot.

Once your skin is calming down you may wish to use the honey as a face mask (or a preventative in the future) here are some ideas..
cover your face in a thin layer of Manuka Honey and leave for 10-20 minutes, then gently remove with warm water.

You can also add cinnamon to a honey mask, not too much though because it has a tendency to sting sensitive skin, so mix in about a ¼ 1/4 of a teaspoon full. Follow directions as above.

The salt honey mask will leave your skin soft! For one application you will need a tablespoon of Manuka Honey, 1 teaspoon of salt and a few drops of olive oil. Mix everything together until it is all combined. Apply in a circular motion to clean wet skin (avoiding eye area) and leave on for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Now for some other home / herbal remedies..
Rose Water – a wonderful cleanser for the face. Using this regularly can help with the healing effect and helps rid the skin of dirt and excess oils, you can use this two or three times a day to wash your face.

Tee Tree Oil – This essential oil can be a very powerful remedy for acne as it is antibacterial. Mix a small amount of oil with an equal amount of water, dip a cotton ball in and apply to your skin. Reapply when desired.

Lemons – These have a natural antibacterial and astringent properties to help clear your skin. You can use fresh squeezed lemons or lemon juice. Once applied leave for 15 minutes to an hour and rinse.

Mint Leaves & Turmeric Powder – This mixture has antioxidant components that help clear the skin. Juice some mint leaves and combine with a teaspoon of turmeric power spread this on your problem areas and leave for 15 minutes, rinsing off with warm water.

Cabbage & Witch Hazel- Seems like an odd combination but has a natural astringent (helps clear the skin) in the mixture and the cabbage reduces inflammation. Mix a few cabbage leaves with some witch hazel in a blender to make a paste, strain to form a paste adding a teaspoon of lemon juice. Spread the paste on affected areas and leave for 15 minutes, gently rinse with warm water.

Garlic – Not only a fantastic antibacterial agent when ingested, it works great on the skin too! Take a clove of garlic and thinly slice it, rub onto problem areas, leave for 15 – 30 minutes and rinse with warm water – you could squeeze the juice and just use this, but its maybe easier to just use the slices!

Apple Cider Vinegar – This is reportedly a powerful one! ACV contains both antibacterial & antifungal properties! A double whammy! This can be quite strong so the first thing to do is dilute it. Use a few teaspoons and dilute with half water, if when you apply it to your skin you find it too strong, dilute it further.

Cayenne Extract With Garlic Oil – this may not be one where the ingredients are readily available in the kitchen cupboard, but still worth a mention as it is an excellent treatment for cleansing and conditioning the skin. Use 2 tablespoons of cayenne extract mixed with 2 tablespoons of garlic oil. Spread on to the areas which are most effected for five minutes and rinse with warm water.

Coriander Juice & Turmeric Powder – This is excellent at eradicating stubborn acne that may also be painful! Mix 1 tablespoon of coriander juice with a small amount of turmeric powder and spread on the troubled area leaving for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Inflammation? Try these…

Baking soda – An all-round favourite! This will help eliminate breakouts, reduces inflammation and it exfoliates, so will help remove dead skin cells! With this it also works to reduce any old scars or marks left by acne. Take a few teaspoons and mix with warm water until you have a paste and apply. You may only want to leave it on for 10 – 15 minutes the first few times as it can feel very powerful – you will soon know how long is needed for your skin type and over time leave for longer if you wish.

Ice Cubes – rubbing an ice cube on problem areas will help to reduce the inflammation, the cold will also close your pores and force the bacterial out, splashing with cold water also has the same affect.

Cornstarch – this is very soothing & gentle natural remedy when you are suffering with a lot of redness or irritation. It can be applied to single areas or all over, and even over night if you feel you need it.

Aloe Vera – now here is the ALL TIME classic for soothing your skin and reducing redness and inflammation. Apply the gel (find Aloe Vera Here) directly to your skin with your fingers, as and when required. It would be even better to invest in an aloe plant and get the aloe fresh, but we do not all have green thumbs, so a good tube of organic aloe get is the way to go!


Please do your own research before taking on any advice given here.
I have written this through my own knowledge & advice from others,
it is meant purely as a guide & for information purposes only.